See life through Sam’s eyes

Every day Sam* has to make huge decisions to deal with the harsh realities of the cost of living crisis. How would you cope?

* Sam’s story is a composite case study based on real life stories from various young people at YMCA

Putting a roof over Sam’s head

Sam’s relationship with his mum has reached breaking point and could turn violent. He needs to leave but he now needs to find somewhere to live.

Where should he go next?

Sofa surfing

Sleeping on someone’s sofa or spare bed is not permanent. It doesn’t give Sam any stability.

His friend has asked him to leave. Where should Sam go now?

On the streets

Sleeping on the streets is very dangerous. In the winter, when temperatures can drop below freezing, it can be a matter of life and death.

Every day, 165 young people are homeless or at risk of homelessness. 

Sam is desperate, he reaches out to his local authority for help, and they place him in a YMCA.


Sam moves into a local YMCA and they support him in building up his life skills and getting ready to move on into a place of his own.

Having a safe and stable home is one of the most important things anyone needs to live a good life. YMCA provides 9,466 beds to people in need, every night.

But Sam will want to move on at some point, how could Sam afford this?

Sam heads to the Jobcentre

Sam needs some support to make sure he can pay for the basic essentials.

Sam wants a job but people living in supported housing are financially penalised for working more than a few hours a week, as they begin to lose more money in benefits than they receive from working. 

This prevents supported housing residents from improving their financial situation through work and progressing to independent living.

Universal Credit

As Sam is 19, he receives a lower level of benefits than someone aged 25 or over. 

After bills, Sam is left with next to nothing to pay for food, travel, and electric cards. He needs to make a decision. What should Sam prioritise?

Sam buys a winter jacket

It’s cold. Sam goes and buys himself a winter jacket and an electric blanket to keep himself warm.

This has meant he has to take out a payday loan putting him in debt with interest racking up.

What would you suggest Sam eats for dinner tonight?

Visit the foodbank

Sam visits a supermarket to buy some food, but it is all so expensive.

Food is the first to be cut when times are tough and many young people who are supported by benefits are skipping meals.

Fortunately, there is a foodbank near his YMCA. For many young people like Sam, using the food bank has become the norm.

Searching for a home

Sam is keen to move on from YMCA and have his own place but there is nothing affordable in the local area and the waiting list for a council home will mean it is months before he is even considered. 

He doesn’t have a guarantor or a rental deposit and because he doesn’t have a job, no private landlord will take him.

Thanks for seeing life through Sam’s eyes

Young people like Sam have been bearing the brunt of the cost of living crisis. Left with a decision between heating or eating, and going without basic essentials such as food, electricity, or transport. This is becoming the bleak new normal. 

But it doesn’t have to be this way. Increased wages and a benefits system that is fit for purpose can support young people like Sam to thrive.

Only with your help can these changes become a reality. Now’s our chance, email your MP today.

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Jobcentre photo: Art-Dolgov / Shutterstock. Wallet photo: Somrak Jendee / Shutterstock. All other photos © YMCA 2024.